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Charm Thai, South Side, & Rachel’s

at Parma.  那天看完季後賽, 到泰國同學介紹的餐廳吃晚餐.  一進門 Fei 同學盛情邀我們坐吧檯, 招待泰式奶茶, 泰式咖啡, 泰式海鮮湯, 壽司, 還有飯後甜點.  就如同他說非常好吃.  
左: Miso Salmon  中: Siam Seafood  右: Banana Chocolate Spring Rolls with Ice Cream
at Tremont.  它的small plates很精緻, 氣氛佳.  尤其是 yellowfin tuna 人間美味.
上左: Stuffed Poblano Peppers  上右: Sesame-Crusted Yellowfin Tuna
下左: Crab Cakes  下右: Chicken and Waffles

A Jamaican cuisine at Cedar.  很小一間不起眼的店面, 也沒有自己的網站. 
左: Ginger Beer   中 & 右: 忘記名稱摟, 很 Tasty.  不過熱量非常高. 
又一篇美食記, 以上 開懷大笑
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Memorial Day

Memorial Day 連假三天, 學期結束趁這空檔走走.  照片放相簿 彩虹 
第一天到Pittsburgh.  感覺有點像是在回味去年.  主要原因之一是為了吃道地台灣菜, 之二是看夜景.  Rose Tea Cafe 吃晚餐真是幸福, 點了五更腸旺, 臭豆腐, 滷肉飯, 台式香腸, 泡菜鍋, 還有珍珠奶茶.  夜景還是一樣美麗.  同學買了一付西洋棋, 回來之後研究規則, 以後我們可以下棋. 
第二天我們到West Liberty.  車程三個多鐘頭, 沿路一眼望去整片農田.  高速公路上不知為何好多鹿躺在路邊, 來回一趟數數也有十隻鹿.  想不到美國也有鐘乳石, 地下全年恆溫華式54度.  有解說員介紹, 整個洞穴大概花快一小時觀賞. 
最後一天到美國人家拜訪.  傳統家庭烤肉, 馬鈴薯沙拉, 還有玉米, 自製甜點.  然後和他們一家人一起在後院草地上玩Bacchi Ball.    
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Dragon Boat Festival

好久沒上來,  這裡荒蕪了.  今年農曆閏五月, 可以過兩次端午節吃兩次粽子.  國曆日期是5/28 和 6/27.  雖如此, 美國沒有粽子, 我也不曉得怎麼包.  改天到超市或餐廳看有沒有賣. 
這段時間籃球季後賽, 東邊 Cavs v.s. Magic 西邊 Lakers v.s. Denver, 看到眼睛快脫窗, 聽到耳朵也快要長繭.  話題都離不開籃球.  自己家裡看, 也到同學家看, 還到外面的Bar看.  尤其在Bar 看非常熱鬧, 最後一秒 LeBron James 三分球真是太神乎其技.
棒球5/29~6/1 Yankees 對戰 Indians.  原本打算到球場看王建民, 可是現在他被分配到中繼, 沒有動機讓我到球場了.  王建民加油! 
今年端午在美國.  端午節快樂. 
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Bar Hopping

話說有人提議來個 fun bar hopping night (親愛的老媽別"刀"我).  於是 Easter 前一天傍晚, 大夥浩蕩前往 Tremont.  先到填五臟廟, Fahrenheit 間很有名氣, 餐點也頗優.  只見天色還明亮, 吃飽後逛逛附近小店.  那裏有許多藝術家展覽畫作, 小飾品.  待天色一暗, 開始 bar hopping.  走到第一站 Tree House 一杯 312 Urban Wheat Ale, a Chicago beer.  這間特別在於一顆大樹長在建築物裡面, a tree is actually growing inside the building.   走路逛到第二站 Flying Monkey Pub 一杯 martini.  這間特色是室內全手工木頭設計 the pub was designed and built by artisan woodworkers and features a handlaid geometric bartop design, abstract inlaid tables, and custom routered hardwood trim and accent pieces throughout.  來到第三站 Lava Lounge, 裡面氣氛優 DJ 很會挑音樂.  在此之前早已喝兩杯, 人到裡面單純享受氣氛. 吃小甜點.  最後大家走回停車場, 驅車前往第四站 Barking Spider Tavern. 會選這是因為裡面有現場樂團演唱.  進門時吧台擠滿人潮, 剛好有一桌空著大夥就先坐著欣賞表演.  這次演唱屬於 country music, 樂器有 lead guitar, mandolin, banjo, and bass guitar.  Mandolin & Banjo 這兩樣樂器我還第一次看到, 很特別.  演奏到中間時, 有位金髮妹妹出現拿著盒子繞場讓大家自由樂捐.   
照片左至右: Tremont 路上看到兩隻小貓;  Flying Monkey;  Lava Lounge;  Barking Spider
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Happy Easter

Easter Sunday.  今年過不一樣的復活節.  品嘗傳統美食, 此外也學會美國人的飯前祈禱文 saying Grace.  由於沒有小朋友在場, 就免 Easter egg hunt.  每個人都有一份小禮物.  話外提, 現今有些家庭用 plastic eggs 取代, 裡面放 cash or gift cards.  這次外國人阿公阿嬤也在, 當我們抵達的時候外國人阿公很開心的跟我聊天然後又給好幾本National Geographic.  大夥吃飯聊天順便看籃球賽.  一往先前拜訪吃飯, 離開前裝了一份讓我帶回家八分音符.  感謝感恩受邀參與美國人家庭復活節~
傳統美食有(只照帶回家的): ham, potatos, sausage with sauerkraut, broccoli covered with cheese, beans, and baby carrots.
飯後甜點 all home-made: patitza, strawberry cheese cake, chocolate-dipped strawberries, chocolate cake
復活節小禮物: 巧克力; prickly pear soap & dream catcher (先前他們到Arizona 買給我的紀念品)



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Mexican Chili & Corn Muffin

I’ve learnt two new recipes this week: Mexican Chili and Corn Muffin. 
Corn Muffin
This is the first time I make corn muffin.  It’s not hard, actually.  All I need to do is simply follow the instructions written on the box– mix the powder with egg and milk, pour into muffin pan with paper liners, and then bake in 400° preheated oven for about 20 minutes.   
Left: Jiffy corn muffin mix     Right: my masterpiece
Mexican Chili
It takes me around one hour to prepare the meal.  The ingredients are: Boston pork butt, broiled jalapeno peppers, mexican diced tomatos, dried oreganos, ground cumins, garlic cloves, onions, and chicken stock.


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Global Funds

一直以來還蠻喜歡WSJ的.  這幾天看到一篇文章還不錯, 有興趣就繼續往下看摟.  窗外的四月雪從屋內看蠻美的, 書桌上擺著惱人的Intl. Acct., 又要考試了…

以下來自 WSJ: Ten Reasons to Consider Global Funds

Conventional wisdom says international stock markets are much more "risky" than Wall Street.

Many Americans agree, judging by their investment choices. According to data from the Investment Company Institute, American mutual fund investors hold more than three times as much in domestic equity mutual funds as they do in funds that invest internationally. As investors have fled the market, they have been cashing in their overseas stock funds, proportionately, twice as quickly as their domestic funds. After all, global funds faced a double whammy last year: Declining equity markets almost everywhere and a strengthening dollar that made foreign assets worth less to U.S. investors.

But is the conventional wisdom right?

There are ten reasons to think it isn’t. If you are looking to get back into the market, it may actually be safer to buy a "global" fund than one which only invests in the U.S. Consider:

1. You have plenty of exposure to the U.S. economy already. You work here. You may own a home here. And so, in most cases, do most of your friends and family. You hardly need to double down.

2. Investing in one country increases so-called "Japan" risk — namely the possibility that your investments may languish in a single, ailing stock market, as happened to Japanese investors after 1989. But those who invested globally were able to profit from rising international markets.

3. The almighty dollar’s days look numbered. Yawning federal deficits are raising questions, again, about the greenback. Ultimately, the dollar will sink again and when it does, U.S. investors owning foreign equities will benefit.

4. The U.S. stock market is the biggest and best-known market in the world. Thus, it is more likely to be overvalued than foreign markets. That’s bad news for investors. Right now, according to FactSet, the domestic market trades on 1.7 times book value. The rest of the world: 1.1 times.

5. The "foreign is risky" argument dates back to the days when very few foreign countries were capitalist. Today that view seems woefully out of date and somewhat ridiculous.

6. That argument also dates back to when the U.S. accounted for half of the global economy. Today it accounts for about a quarter. Restricting your investments to that small share of the pie makes no real sense.

7. Even if we avoid a further economic meltdown, the US economy is still struggling with a mountain of debt. Asian economies, on the contrary, have mountains of savings. Choosing to bet on the former and not the latter is a gamble.

8. Investing globally ensures you are exposed to fast-growing emerging markets as well as older, more developed ones. Who knows which economies will boom over the next decade?

9. While many international markets have been worse investments over the past two years, over longer periods the picture is better. Someone who invested all their money on Wall Street 10 years ago would still be down 3% today, even when you count reinvested dividends, according to FactSet. Someone who shunned Wall Street and invested overseas would be up 38%.

10. Global investing has minimized risk at key moments in the past. Philippe Jorion, economics professor at University of California-Irvine, says investing globally would have greatly helped investors even during the great crash of 1929-1932. US markets, including reinvested dividends, lost about 69% by the lows, he said. Global markets overall: Only about 53%.

Of course, back then it was hard for private investors to invest in overseas markets. No wonder most investors had to stick to Wall Street and got caned. Today there are a legion of global mutual and exchange-traded funds that anyone can buy.

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Egg, Potato, or Yam?

上星期中午出發底特律前與馬鈴薯沿Cuyahoga National Park小河踏青.  平常配合我耍一點小幼稚.  那天一見到面反之很有而立之年的成熟嚴肅, 熟不知這是小米我最仰慕的模樣. 


馬鈴薯邊散步邊提畢業後規劃, 工作財務目標, 想讓我合法居留, 願不願意穩定一起生活, etc…..一枚震撼彈! 馬鈴薯很認真ㄟ, 我的媽OMG~~ 驚訝  小米我原本開心散步看美麗風景, 震撼彈一來腦袋被炸飛不知到哪個星球, 久久回覆: Oh, I’m a Cat in US but a Lion in Taiwan…牛頭不對馬嘴外星文, 不過馬鈴薯竟然瞭解其深奧含意耶, 真是太神奇了傑克.  馬鈴薯嚴肅之餘說回顧去年德國照片現在的我是dumpling很圓, 然後又說就算我到四十歲還是一樣silly & childish.  ~~又耍白真膽大想被我踹進河裡.


在底特律小米深思片刻後, 觀察種種, 發現馬鈴薯像雞蛋, 外表西方觀念東方保守, 君子進庖廚燙衣服, 務實有道德, 學歷同等, 家庭正常不像電視劇亂七八糟, 再加上我老媽耳提面命不能再像年輕時荒唐.  老娘我已年過二五, 趁來的及成熟態度修愛情戀愛學, Qualitative Research, SWOT分析, Porter五力分析, 本益比分析, 算Sigma值, etc. 看是潛力股或未爆彈.  Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.  Be Practical and Realistic.


想當初來美國唸書是這輩子之一的願望.  現在快畢業, 即將回到睽違兩年多的職場和人生戰場.  另一階段, 老實說粉緊張, 和之前大學畢業恐慌又不一樣, 畢竟關鍵未來下半輩子.  Am I ready for the next step? 



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馬鈴薯朋友因工作因素被調到底特律四個月, 趁此一窺風貌.  車程一小時半.  由於時間限制, 此行主要是拜訪和盛名美食. 他朋友住 Riverfront Towers, 往窗外看和加拿大僅隔一條河, 連絡兩國的 Ambassador Bridge 近在咫尺, 可惜大家都沒帶證件.  抵達後一夥沿著 Riverfront Promenade 散步.  It’s a beautifully landscaped sidewalk along the Detroit River.  市中心有大眾運輸環繞, 有個有趣的名稱 Detroit People Mover.  It’s an automated guideway transportation system that circulates around downtown Detroit.  散步後搭DPM下Greektown Station.  在 Fishbone’s 吃晚餐, 小逛 Greektown Casino.  之後搭DPM下Broadway Station.  去Detroit Opera House 旁的 Detroit Beer Co 小喝一杯, 再到隔壁的 Small Plates.  它的賣點是精緻小小一盤, 很貴.  隔天回程到Toledo Tony Packo’s Cafe 午餐吃hotdog and fried pickles.
此行深深感受這城市的蕭條與落寞.  It’s so ironic!  底特律和芝加哥都有一條主要道路Michigan Ave, 不過卻相差甚遠.  沿路低矮建築, 有許多汽車製造和物流, 不過幾乎沒什麼人. 
照片裡左邊Canada, 中間跨河(國)的Ambassador Bridge, 右邊Riverfront Promenade
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